Providing exceptional home care in Portage, MI and the surrounding areas. Family owned since 2006.

Helping Seniors Understand Medicare

Home Care Assistance in Portage MI

Medicare is meant to cover health insurance for people 65 and older and some younger people with disabilities or certain medical conditions. Unfortunately, the system can be hard to understand. With support from loved ones and home care assistance, seniors better grasp Medicare’s different parts and how they affect them. Continue reading to learn more […]

Grocery Shopping Tips For Seniors

Home Care Assistance in Portage MI

Grocery shopping is a chore that is tough for a lot of people. But for seniors, it can be physically and mentally demanding to shop for groceries. Some seniors may even subsist on struggle meals rather than face going shopping. There are a lot of seniors who may not want to ask for help and […]

What is Glaucoma and Can it Be Cured?

Home Care Assistance in Portage MI

The total number of individuals with glaucoma in the United States is estimated to be approximately three million, but as the glaucoma Research Foundation points out, half of those with glaucoma have yet to be identified. This is why it can be crucial to get regular eye checkups as a senior. The earlier a senior […]

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